Martes, 19 de Noviembre de 2013

When we await the arrival of a baby, decorating a child's room becomes a fun and exciting process. It is important to consider the needs of the smallest to not make mistakes when it comes to furniture. Check imagination with the intention that your children are comfortable, and make sure your bedroom is a place where you feel safe to play and have fun.


Customizable wooden Venetian for the kids

Leather venetian blindsThe arrival of a baby requires us, among other things, to adapt a room for the new family member. His room, besides the place where the child will sleep, will become his place games, study and in a space that, over time, you will feel as their own. Therefore, we must prepare it thinking about all that our son may need and, above all, as it is a safe place since it will spend much of your time.


For babies, cots and cribs are a perfect place to sleep. Besides being very practical for its size, the newcomer will feel protected, used in recent months to the belly of his mother, with little space to move. Some of the cribs sold also are convertible. That is, the crib grows with baby and accessories have become a desk or dresser, without having to buy new furniture for the room.


Home Safety


As the child gets older, must be careful with home security. Sometimes the little ones will be the curiosity and desire to know "world," so we must be careful to avoid domestic accidents.


We must be careful with the plugs. Children tend to put your fingers in the hole that remains just height. To avoid shocks, put "cap plugs" which allow and uncover cover them only when needed. For the cabinets, especially those who keep toxic cleaning products or medication, the ideal is to put locks, hard to open for children. So, you know it's impossible for them to take any of these products as dangerous. Also, for the first steps, in which children often stumble and fall, it is best to place guards on the corners of the tables. Avoid shocks and blows.



With blinds, also must be careful, since cords can be dangerous for children. Luxmader, in line with its policy of product innovation, has developed a Child Safety system to prevent possible strangulation, which guarantees the safety of children.


Child Safety Tassel


One of the main advantages of the system is its simplicity and pragmatism. Thus, the mechanism devised by Luxmader is a specially designed cord that ends in a ball composed of two parts joined by a magnet. At the time that pressure is exerted on the string, the ball is separated into two parts, avoiding a bottleneck occurs. Moreover, being a magnet mechanism allows the possibility of appearance back together without any damage to the cord or the blind.


Luxmader also designed a second version, for versatility, in which the cord is attached to the rail by a cover. The system is activated when a certain force is exerted on the cord, causing it to separate the rail cap and avoiding strangulation.


The important thing is, ultimately, create a comfortable, functional and safe for you and your whole family.


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